Learning Plan

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Bootcamp Learning Plan


What are your expectations from the Bootcamp team?

My expectations are that they will be available for concerns, and questions and that they’ll provide sound advice help and support in a compassionate way.

Within what’s possible with a large group, that casual feedback is provided often and openly, both positive and negative.

What are your expectations of yourself on Bootcamp?

I know that mostly I’ll be working with other students so that we can support each other when possible. And if it’s appropriate I’ll reach out to any of the Bootcamp facilitators for technical problems or feedback.

I know we have our human skills facilitators that I can reach out to for anything non-technical too.

My commitment to managing my workload involves reflecting weekly on my progress to think about how I’m feeling, what I did well, or what I could do better. To be talking regularly with my peers so that I feel connected and not alone in this process, and to share how we’re doing with each other.

If I’m having any concerns, I’ll reach out to a facilitator for a chat.


What do you think your biggest strengths and limitations will be in Bootcamp?

My strengths and limitations haven’t changed that much through Foundations however I have more of an awareness of how it feels to experience these with this type of work.

With letting go of perfectionism and control, I feel as if I was better at it than I thought I would be. I found that I achieved more and also had many pleasant surprises along the way where even if I didn’t think I had grasped something fully, I could still demonstrate that I knew (at least partly) what I was doing.

If anything Foundations has proven to me that acknowledging what my strengths and limitations are and then consciously working with that awareness, does really pay off.

What do you think your biggest non-technical challenge at Bootcamp will be?

I think staying on top of the material will be a challenge. While I didn’t feel like I went majorly outside of the time boxes during Foundation, because I had fallen behind a few days from Sprint 2, it meant that I was catching up throughout the following weeks and I didn’t get enough of a sense of how well I was keeping to the weekly rhythm. It also meant I felt a bit disconnected from the rest of the students.

My goals

What non-technical skills - human skills - would you like to see developed in yourself while at Dev Academy?

From my previous corporate experience, I’ve developed a lot of skills in teamwork, leadership, giving and receiving feedback and working with others. However, no two people or situations are the same. I don’t have anything specific in mind as I know that all parts of this experience will be helpful to my personal growth. I’m slightly curious (and anxious!) to see what kind of learning pairing with others will bring, in particular with those that are far more advanced.

What is your long term goal and/or career pathway?

I’m hoping to use these skills to create and help others. I don’t have a set destination in mind but I know that I want to be able to help bridge the gap of technology for people that deserve just as much success as those that have inherent access and knowledge of tech.

Foundations Learning Plan

What is your long term goal or career pathway?

My long term goal is to be able to create and work in a way that can help people. I’d like to be able to either start my own business or be contracted to an organisation that can support small businesses that don’t have as many resources to be able to embrace technology, the internet and social media to become successful.

My career pathway will be to get a junior developer job following Dev Academy and then to continue building my design and UI knowledge.

A description of your strengths and limitations when it comes to learning

A strength and limitation of mine in learning is how much detail I like to dive into. I like delivering things to a high quality but sometimes this means that I can lose myself in the flow of something or get swamped trying to get something just exactly right. I’m learning to let go of some of that control, trust that I can revise some things later, and that done is better than perfect. This concept applies to learning new things too, as I’m in the process of practicing how to understand something just enough, and then let myself move on.

What skills (non-technical core/human skills) would you like to see developed in yourself while at Dev Academy?

I’d like to see my skills in connecting with others developed by becoming better at sharing things about myself and demonstrating authenticity.

A commitment to how you will manage your workload in this programme.

My commitment is to be structured in my days so that I have clear work times and a good amount of breaks and time away from my desk for my wellbeing. I commit to being focused during the times that I schedule to be working. I will stay in touch with my peers and facilitators to let them know how I’m going and not hide away any issues or concerns that I’m having. When things start building up, I’ll notice and acknowledge what is difficult and then if possible address it by time boxing my tasks. If there’s still more that is building, I’ll make sure to reach out to a tutor and ask for help.

A commitment as to how and where you will seek help in a timely way

How I’ll seek help is to reach out to a tutor or if more appropriate, people in my group that may be able to help me - or both!

A description of what you expect from the Facilitation team

I expect to be able to ask questions and be guided or supported in the best way for me to learn a concept. I expect to be able to be given feedback or advice if there’s anything that they see as good for my development or skills.

Any scheduling information such as block-out times when you are committed to other things. For example, you might have whānau commitments like school drop-offs. It's important to plan these in.
